Online Workflow

Online workflow integration with Salesforce API enable the UserFriendly WorkFlow Screen and Apporval Process.The other important Features are as follows,

  • Registration
  • Apporval
  • Pending Approval List
  • Approved List
  • E-Mailing facility to Inform Both Approver and Sender


iExpense is an Interactive Expense Approval System with Salesforce. It having Expense Input Screen, Expense input confirmation,Pending Approval List, Approval Screen. Inside the company any one can send the Expense approval to his Higher Authority.

If your company requires that employees file expense reports for managers to approve, automate this process in Salesforce.

The next Approver any time can See the Pending Approval List ,Once the Approver approve the Expense then E-Mail will send to consern person.

Expense Input Screen

User can input the Expense and send to Approver.

Pending Approval List

Here Approver can see the Pending approval List,From list Approver will select the Item and Approve or Reject the same

Approval Screen

Here Approver can see the Expense item information and weather he can approve or reject